Holistically Organized Multidisciplinary Endeavors Farm

The Road to Here: Blog Posts Archive

2018 - Present

family amongst tree roots texas

Reflections on 2019

We’re back after a long blogging break!  If you’re a regular reader and have missed the monthly Reflections blog, thanks for coming back!  If you’re new to the

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sunrise, homestead, off-grid, home-farm

Reflections on June, 2018

It’s warming up on the homestead.  We spend some afternoons inside on the cool soil-cement floor to escape the heat.  When it’s 95 outside, it’s only 88 inside. 

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2017 Blog Posts

Reflections on April, 2017

April showers are no match for our homestead endeavors!  We made some real progress this month.  First and most importantly, we are totally and entirely waterproof!  No more

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Reflections on March, 2017

So maybe you’re not into reading about uterine contractions and placental encapsulation, but there is one thing you must know about the birth of Earthbag Build Oklahoma’s 3rd

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2016 Blog Posts

Reflections on November, 2016

I need chocolate.  I mean, really need chocolate.  “The struggle is real,” they say, or “First world problems,” they say.  Well “they” actually live in this “first world.” 

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Reflections on August, 2016

In case you were wondering, building a house is exhausting.  I mean serious, fall-asleep-before-your-head-hits-the-pillow exhausting.  We’ve been at this house-building business for 3 years now and I am

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2015 Blog Posts

2014 Blog Posts

2013 Blog Posts