Privacy Policy and Home Farm Hemp LLC is a website that aims to teach its users about living off-grid, including; earthbag construction, tips on renewable energy practices, and home agriculture techniques.  In order to make a living, we also sell CBD products.  In order to sell these products, we need to collect the user’s name, email address, and billing information.  We will save this information in our secure Woocommerce customer database for 1 year.

We will never share your personal information, including your home address, your e-mail, your gender, or how much CBD you buy from us.  We will also never sell this information.

Only users who choose to opt-in to our blog updates will receive those.  

If you wish to have your information removed from our personal and secure system, please send us an e-mail at

We will review and update this privacy policy when we decide to and make changes when necessary.   We will always inform you of changes to this policy within the policy itself, as shown below:

Last updated: April 26, 2021

Any other questions or concerns about how we use or store your information can be answered by e-mailing 

Mailing Address:

Home Farm Hemp

43296 State Highway 8

Cyril OK 73029

This Privacy Policy was last updated in April of 2021.