Holistically Organized Multidisciplinary Endeavors Farm

Partnership Building Survey

Thank you for participating in my research blog!!  With your help, we may be of some benefit to others who are trying to build and live more self-reliant lifestyles.

Link to the downloadable PDF at the bottom!

Your answers may be incorporated into a blog post I’m writing here on my website www.home-farm.org.  I have around 40-45 subscribers but I think a lot of people read it who don’t subscribe.

Please answer as many questions as you’d like with as much detail as you’re comfortable with.  I have a feeling that longer, more detailed stories may make for a more interesting blog.  If we get a huge response rate with lots of long stories, I’ll just make it a 2 or 3 part blog!

If you’d like me to link to your website or some other social media, let me know that too.  If you’d like to have a picture alongside your story, that’s a possibility as well.  If you wish to remain anonymous, please let me know. This survey is for an individual.  Your partner can fill one out too.

Side-note: Spouse and partner are used interchangeably.  I’m referring to someone to whom you’ve made a commitment to and care a great deal for.  You don’t have to be married, heterosexual, or any other qualifier.


The Basics:

What climate are you building in?  Or, what country/state?

What type of home are you building? (Straw-bale, Earthship, earthbag, etc)

How far along are you in the building process?


The Details:

What’s the best part about working with your spouse/partner?

What’s the worst part about working with your spouse/partner?

Talk about a time when you and your partner had an exceptionally trying time in the building process.

How has this project affected your relationship over time?  (Made you stronger as a couple, torn you apart, or not changed your relationship)

Has this building project changed you personally? For better or for worse?

Do you feel that if you were building a conventional home, these answers would be different?

Do you have any tips for other couples who are just getting started or just thinking about building together?



Name or names you’d like used in the blog: Enter anonymous here if you’d like to be kept that way.

Website, facebook name, Twitter account or any other links you’d like used:

Don’t forget to attach or link to a photo if you want one used in the blog.


I have given myself a deadline of November 18th 2016 to go through all your responses and have this blog published.  Therefore, I ask that you please have your responses back to me by September 12th 2016. 

Building a house with your spouse: Fun or No Fun?
Building a house with your spouse: Fun or No Fun?



Thank you again!

Alison Crim

From the blog home-farm.org

alison@home-farm.org  405-537-9180 Central Standard Time Zone

Partnership Building Survey PDF

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Hey.  I’m Alison; author, artist, and off-grid homeschooling mama of three.  I love painting, exploring the outdoors, and a hoppy IPA.  My partner and I work together to bring this website and blog to you.  We hope you enjoy!